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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Heres to you Dad.

Ok now for something a little lighter in topic...

Let's talk about, oh, I don't know, lets talk whiskey... Love the stuff. Jack Daniels Old No. 7, Jim Beam (white or black), Johnnie Walker (red, black, or don't forget 'bout that Blue Label we had too), George Dickel, Gentleman Jack, Jack Daniel's Single Barrel, Jameson's, Wild Turkey, Canadian Club... OK, those last two... I could really do without... Although Wild Turkey's American Honey is a nice treat, if mixed with good plain whiskey. There are sooooo many more out there to be sampled... so much to taste, so little time. My favorite right now seems to be Jim Beam's Red Stag (a black cherry flavored whiskey... It is so choice. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up), blended 50/50 with Jim Beam white. So full of deliciousness... I think I got this penchant for whiskey from my Dad. I fondly remember him coming home from work, asking me to “Get my medicine.” Hmmm, a future topic of why I became a Pharmacist? Anyway, his medicine was a classic Manhattan. As he taught me: not too much ice... 2 fingers of vermouth, topped with his whiskey, Canadian Club if I remember right. So a few years ago, out of, I guess out of curiosity, I tried a few Manhattans, and, was, duly impressed... I remember thinking “Good stuff, Dad, good stuff”. Anyway, thank you Dad. I Love you, and miss you every day... Here's to you...


  1. Cheers to both you and the Bear sir!
    -J. Genius

  2. CHEEERS! I really enjoy american honey.
