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Friday, October 29, 2010

Stupid Fucking Ghosts

What the fuck is it about Halloween that makes people stupid? Don't get me wrong, I love the annual excuse for women to dress as a slutty nurse, slutty superhero, slutty slut...any of those things, really. I'm not huge on the candy part - too many calories and too much sugar for me. The part I just hate is that we suddenly have all these shows on tv about 'real ghost stories'. Fuck you, there is no such thing as a 'real' ghost. It doesn't fucking exist. The people that eat this shit up are the same ones that think psychics are real. I want to punch the idiots that pay money to see a psychic, but I want to skull fuck the psychics for capitalizing on the vulnerability of some poor schmuck whose loved one just died. Ok, i'm getting off track again.