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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Life + Dying

I hate, but can't help myself from reading the obituaries in the local paper. I can't help myself because I am intrigued by what I read, intrigued by the choices made by the surviving family chosen to highlight the deceased individual's life. The very finality of our obituaries can, appropriately, or inappropriately speak so much of our very short life on this earth. No matter what we do, no matter who we are, we ALL end up as a simple paragraph or two in the paper. I find it incredibly depressing, yet irresistible to peruse the local obits on a (an all too) regular basis What can be said about us when we die? Face it, we're all going to die. Like it or not, it is an un-fucking-shakable truth! It really is the only thing in life we can be sure of.

So, what kind of legacy will you leave behind? I hope to leave the kind of legacy my Dad left behind... People we, his family that is, never knew, traveled for miles to come pay their respects. That left an indelible impression on me. People from all over NH came to see him in his final days, and to pay respects after he passed. He touched so many people we never even knew. It was quite an honor to learn how he affected others.

So, I wonder, often, what kind of legacy will I leave? I know I will be remembered by my family and close friends. But I wonder who I have touched and who will remember me after I have left this earth. I wonder if, I have left, or made a positive impression on ANYone. I can only hope I have. I know I can be brash, offensive, brutal and rude... but then again, I can be caring, kind, and gentle. I hope I have been more of the latter to people than the former, but then again... I know I know better...

So, here I am saying if I've offended you, or pissed you off... at least remember me. If I've helped you, or made your day, or your week, or your life easier, remember me. I encounter SO many people, counsel SO many people in my day to day job, it's hard to keep track of what I've told to whom. Hopefully I've been helpful, hopefully I've left you feeling well about our conversation, if not, well then fuck off, we're all gonna die eventually anyway, so we're all in the same boat, so you'd better be careful who you're asking to bail you out...

As always I encourage any questions or comments!

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