Is anyone else tired of our two party political system? Well i am..... I hate that its become a race between Democrats and Republicans. A hundred years ago their views on politics were completely reversed. Its gone from elections that meant something to now who has the most money who has the most influence over the masses, with the relentless help from the fucking media which i hate. And my fellow geniuses will tell you the same thing I'm about to say..... The masses are stupid.
There goddamn sheep being lead around by a fucking blind Shepard. The media and pop culture influence every aspect of life. What the fuck happened to thinking for yourself? Every time i see that fucking snuggie commerical i want to burn that shit to the ground. Or admit it how many people bought those fucking crocs? Crocs are a crock of shit. I can make you a pair of crocs, by taking your comfy shoes and cutting holes in them. This is one of many points i can make about the stupidity and laziness of society. The media dictates how to vote and what people should think because their to fucking lazy to do it for themselves. People live their lives based on whats pushed on them through any media outlet, TV, radio, Internet etc. That's why i feel like this country is headed for the shitter. That terd that you dropped in the bowl last night and took a peek at........ yeah that's us. Like reading a book has become unpopular and dated. What the fuck is that about? Getting back to politics, my point is people wont take the time to do the research on a candidate. What happened to voting for someone Because you did your homework as opposed to going republican or Democrat. I mean what the fuck happened to believing in something?
People these dates vote for stupid reasons, Like race, creed, heritage and other moronic reasons. Like Obama for change? McCain because hes a war hero? What the fuck does that have to do with anything? If that's all the country could muster up those two, we must be in a sad state. That's not entirely true though. There are other candidates, do your homework people. Since the age of sixteen i have been political conscious. Every election year i will look not just at the two parties but everyone. It shouldn't be about how much money you have for campaigning or to buy votes. How about everyone getting a chance to run and become president based on their knowledge and fairness and dare i say their own views as opposed to whats pumped through to them from corporate bigwigs. Its time we say NO! Run with the underdogs every now and again you will see, through all the bullshit trust me. I have voted for Ralph Nader every year he has ran and i have been eligible. Why? you ask, Because its a just cause something Ive researched and believe in. Not because its been pumped and dictated to me. Oh and to combat those naysayers, o James that's a waste of a vote, you could not be anymore wrong. I'm wasting a vote because i voted for something i believe in? Something i looked up and did on my own. I think not see a waste of a vote is you sheep out there voting republic or Democrat for no reason other then well its one or the other. Or any other idiotic reason because you like one more then the other, DO SOME FUCKING RESEARCH OR DON'T COMPLAIN WHEN THINGS ARE BAD, BECAUSE ITS PEOPLE LIKE YOU THAT HELP THESE ASSHOLES GET IN OFFICE. In my heart of hearts i know i did the right thing and i can say don't blame me i voted Nader.
In conclusion i just wanted to give kudos to big Teddy Roosevelt for trying to think outside the box and create the progressive party. It was short lived but at least the man said screw William Taft and these fucking monopolizing politicians. He tried to do something else and i praise him for that. If i could have voted in 1912 he would have gotten my vote. Let me leave you with this, Pick up a book or article read before you make dumb choices that hurt everyone. Think before you drive this country further into the ground and before it becomes to late.
-James Genius
Saturday, January 23, 2010
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I'm just saying that Crocs are amazing especially when I'm in my snuggie