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Saturday, January 23, 2010

The real things in life.

In this day and age surrounded by a failing economy, cynicism and a lack of communication face to face, I find myself thankful for the things I have in life. I, like many people, have plenty to be pissed off about. I'm not a glass is half empty or even a glass is half full person. Personally I don't give a shit. If there's just something in the glass I'm stoked. I'm not rich. I don't have supermodel looks. I'm not married. I don't have a formal education. Hell, I'm not even a real filmmaker...yet.

I do however have a great family, the best friends, my health, a sense of humor. I'm not vertically challenged, pessimistic, lazy, complacent, stinky, uncreative or melancholic. I have a roof over my head, a way to get around, food on my table and a job that I hate but appreciate on occasion.

So my point is this. No matter how bad things might seem to you, just stop for a second. Trust me. Whatever you're doing isn't that fucking important. Think of something you should be thankful for. Something like, I don't know, breath. You're on this planet for a purpose and it's not to be a fun sponge.

As much as my boys and I have been, and are going to, complain, snivel, whine and rant on this blog, I can tell you each and every one of us is very much an optimist. We all have shit to be thankful for. We all have goals we're achieving. I mean at Carl's age he's just happy to have a pulse today. (Sorry dude. I had to.) If the people I've surrounded myself with weren't the way they are, well quite simply, they wouldn't be in my life.

I'm not one for giving much advice but I'm going to anyway. The next time you feel like flying off the handle because of something, stop it. You look ridiculous. You sound ridiculous and you're killing the mojo. Nothing good EVER, and I mean EVER, came from losing your temper. The next time you're thinking about how shitty your life is. Stop it. We're in control of most of our life. Granted, shit happens. But a vast majority of the time if things suck it's your own fault. It's the direct result of something you've done, said, etc.

Just chill out, grab a drink or two, put on a flick, play some tunes, read a book, go for a jog, hit a punching bag, boink your brains out, dance your ass off or whatever it is you enjoy. Because if you're lucky, you'll have the opportunity to do it all again tomorrow. Just bring a friend along for the ride. Pun somewhat intended.

Carpe Fucking Diem

-Josh Genius

1 comment:

  1. Well said, my friend. Everyone is so concerned with the outcome, with the where they want to be in the end. Well, guess what...the end is death. It's the journey that we need to enjoy, not the end. Don't wish away time. yeah, work can suck, but every day you are wishing away is one day closer to the end. Almost anything bad going on in your life you will laugh about someday. Live it up and share the fun.
