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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Family, Friends and Beer.

As I sit here in NY, I have to express some things I didn't quite have time to do before I left Maine. For those of you that don't know, I recently moved to NY from Maine. I was born and raised in Maine. I come from a small town where almost all of my family still resides. Pretty much all except for my mother and two sisters, who are here in NY. They've been here for six years. Anyway to move forward to my point, after I graduated high school I did a lot of nothing only to find myself working in a pharmacy. In this pharmacy I met almost all of these people you see on this blog.

I consider myself a very lucky man for many, many reasons. One of which is my family. I'm lucky to have A LOT of friends that I consider nothing more than an extension of my family. If you really think about it family isn't just blood relatives. It's more than that. If you're a lucky enough person, it's the people that are around for times in life when you have a "moment". (Insert dirty joke) You know the moment you know someone well enough that no matter what happens in life, 20 years could pass and you would still really care about that person.

Times passes and people kind of part ways either a little or a lot. I still stay in touch with everyone "way up theyah". Most of my friends are married now. Starting families. Some are in college. Some have moved. But we all seem to stay in touch in this day and age of Facebook, Twitter, cellphones and texting. I have to say this has been a huge reason I've been able to handle the transition here to NY, besides my family here of course. Every day I deal with some form of NY bullshit that makes me want to castrate and dismember. There were times when I first moved I questioned what the hell I was doing. I mean think about it. I'm from a town of about 5,000 people. I moved to a slightly bigger area...not much bigger though. And here I am in NY with aspirations of making a short film in the city in June and moving there next January. Pretty crazy.

I moved here quickly, without much time to see many of the people I care about. I was lucky enough to see quite a few of them. But I have to say to any of you I didn't get to see and even those that I did see. I miss you guys. I love (almost-*snicker*) all of you. I can't wait to see all of you and that you all get me through each and every day here in NY. You help me realize how life should be.

It's not about houses, cars, money, TV's, status, popularity, jobs or day-to-day bullshit. It's about the people and moments in life that change you. It's about sitting by a bonfire after a night with a couple drinks and talking until you pass out in your chair. It's my family and friends that have supported me throughout the years and helped me become what I am and what I hope to become. So to all of you up North and all over the country, cheers and thanks for making me the luckiest genius egomaniac you know!


  1. love you too man (in a COMPLETELY not gay (well maybe a little) way) -cb

  2. yeah, i definitely love you in a 75% non-gay way.

  3. In response to your heart touching blog I say "What the hell are the gays doing to you! Quick! Go shoot something! sc
