1) Worst. Drivers. Ever.
2) Everything is too expensive.
3) People generally lack any sort of courtesy.
4) Most of the employees at any given store treat you the same way that the burnt-out-on-life cashiers at Walmart treat you.
5) Everybody is in a hurry everywhere, all of the time, and throws a child-like fit if they are slowed down for more than 2 seconds.
6) 90% of the people in Mass. are inconsiderate assholes with bad attitudes, and it is highly contagious.
- Please let it be noted that there are still some very nice people who live in Mass. In fact, some of the nicest people I have ever met live in Mass., and have decided to stay there for one God-forsaken reason or another. By the end of my 4 years there, I had definitely started turning into a miserable, impatient, inconsiderate person due to the constant stress and negativity around me all the time. While living there, transforming yourself into a Masshole is necessary to complete day-to-day activities, such as going to the grocery store or really any task that requires leaving the house. If you don't, and dare to show human decency, you will never get anywhere and it will take forever to accomplish anything. It is like a "survival of the douchiest" situation.
7) It has pointless laws and regulations that make paperwork way more difficult, burdensome, and expensive than it needs to be.
- Case in point: To register your car and convert your out-of state license, you need to present a MA-based insurance card, a dated, signed and stamped letter from your insurance company, your old registration, your old license, the title of your car, a special RMV-1 Form, an insurance waiver form, three separate documents that show a proof of residency, a proof of signature, and a proof of date of birth, and it can only be done at select DMV locations that are surely at least 15 inconvenient and traffic-heavy miles from your home.
8) Taxes are way too high and you don't seem to ever see the reasons why.
- I am not sure where the money is going, but there certainly was not enough focus on things that matter like schools, infrastructure, and the environment. After teaching a 6th grade science class as part of my curriculum for grad school, I can confidently say that the money is definitely not going to public schools as much as it should.
9) You have to pay money to recycle, which doesn't seem very progressive for a progressive state.
10) The roads are under construction all of the time with absolutely no progress to be seen for years at a time.
- Case in point: A short stretch of road in Worcester was under construction when I started pharmacy school in 2009 and was still going on and in even worse condition when I left the state in 2012
11) The road system seems like it was set up by drunk people with no foresight.
- Case in point: You have to drive 8 miles to get to a place that is right across the street because of the over-abundance of concrete separations and one-way roads (Sorry, just can't get over how bad the roads are and it probably warrants more ranting, but I'll stop...)
12) I felt like I aged 5 years after being there for 1 due to the increased stress level
13) After living there for 4 years in 3 different regions, I cannot imagine why anybody would want to live there for their entire life (or at all) if they didn't have to.
14) The motto on the Massachusetts license plate is "The Spirit Of America" so it does a great job of representing the entire country with all of the fantastic qualities above...
10) The roads are under construction all of the time with absolutely no progress to be seen for years at a time.
- Case in point: A short stretch of road in Worcester was under construction when I started pharmacy school in 2009 and was still going on and in even worse condition when I left the state in 2012
11) The road system seems like it was set up by drunk people with no foresight.
- Case in point: You have to drive 8 miles to get to a place that is right across the street because of the over-abundance of concrete separations and one-way roads (Sorry, just can't get over how bad the roads are and it probably warrants more ranting, but I'll stop...)
12) I felt like I aged 5 years after being there for 1 due to the increased stress level
13) After living there for 4 years in 3 different regions, I cannot imagine why anybody would want to live there for their entire life (or at all) if they didn't have to.
14) The motto on the Massachusetts license plate is "The Spirit Of America" so it does a great job of representing the entire country with all of the fantastic qualities above...
I lived in the Boston area all my life, I moved to Western Mass about 13 years ago and it is totally better here. Don't judge the hole state just by the eastern part. http://www.pcsteven.com
ReplyDeletemost of his comments pertain to the entire state, not just a region.
DeleteMost of the comments assume that the "entire state" ends at I-495 (see #2, #3, #5, #6. #7, #8, #10, #12, #13, #14, which hardly apply to Western Mass at all). The rest of them are related to our awful state government, which is a direct result of 90% of the state representatives being elected by the assholes who live inside of I-495.
DeleteWestern Mass. is great, especially compared to "out east". The aspects of it that aren't so great (an abundance of homeless drug addicts, high taxes) are a result of the dickheads in Boston (shipping their drug addicts west so they don't need to deal with them themselves, jacking up state taxes to pay for their own infrastructure projects).
I grew up in South Hadley MassachusettsAnd the school system is so awful that 90% of my grade is like in control of everything and I'm like justBy myself with like two or three good friends but I knowBasically my whole day at school consisted of being alone and thinking to myself thinking my own thoughts writing in a journal or writing stories for free timeThat was my whole middle school and most of high school experience But high school was better.Now I have no friends because the only friend that I didn't have that I was close with now goes to community college and is Obnoxious what other people. The town that I grew up in was more sports oriented so all the staff in schoolBasically pushed you your whole life just took participating mostly sports but any activity athletics was pressured a lot. South Hadley was known for sports but Go to Ludlow Chicopee or any other town in Western mass and they'll have a large sports section. The jocks will basically rule and control everything and be best friends with all the teachers. This is kind of how the personalities of general preps are in life and in schools. Adults just kind of went along with this and what kind of like this to. You kinda got lucky and made friends either on chat rooms online or maybe somebody you met outside on a different town. It's true people drive terrible especially in Ludlow they follow you on the back of your car basically. Some do a couple times a day or depends on the day. Depending on the store things can be really really expensive like basic shirts or pants or jewelry event can be like $30 or like in the 20s. Don't even try getting a job it's nearly impossible you have to have at least two years of college and a lot of experienceAnd don't bother going to college you'll get kicked out easily and quickly. It's not really an option to be in control of things you want. This goes for the rest of the New England area. It's always like reaching out for something you can never actually grab.
DeleteI, unfortunately, live in Boston.... have my whole life & this is COMPLETELY ACCURATE!
DeleteIm also fiscally conservative & socially liberal..
Actually, I could add on about 5-10 more awful points.... for example:
*THE MBTA -which is supposed to be so great & alleviate traffic IS ABSOLUTELY HORRIFIC!
Its FILTHY, you can not rely on it... you need to leave AT LEAST 3 hours early -to maybe- make it to work on time, for a trip that should be 30 mins tops. ITS CONSTANTLY CROWDED... no rush hours.
The employees do NOTHING and make a great salary, pension, bennies..... I have countless pics & video of all this!
*Traffic is CONSTANT from 6/7am to 6:30/7pm, gone is 'rush hour'..... Its currently 11:30am & Mass Ave is BUMPER TO BUMPER!
Even Saturday is horrible.... Sundays the only day you get a little relief.... but not if you like live in Fenway & Sox home or by Symphony & something playing, then its choking gridlock even on Sunday.... you seriously plan life around traffic, lack if parking...
-and there is constant construction for no apparent improvement ANYWHERE?
**If you want a City or State job, you better have a good connected Politician or donor in your family OR BE PREPARED TO CAMPAIGN YOUR ASS OFF so you can get connected!
This goes for Police, Fire, pushing a broom at a School (BPS Custodian), desk job at City Hall...
You will NEVER get a job with city/state without juice -unless you fill a 'quota' for numbers.
*The rents & costs of homes are RIDICULOUS!
A dumpy, tiny studio in a less than great part of city $1200-1400, 1br $1600-2000.... the nicer areas are $3000+ to start. A dumpy small house $375,000...an ok house in a better area $400-500k!!!
*Students congest city MORE for 9mos & move in/out times they just throw trash EVERYWHERE!
*Public schools pay teachers really well & there are some great teachers, but most schools are HORRIBLE..... so a lot of people paying astronomical taxes -and cant send kids to public school?
*Spend BILLIONS on bike lanes in a city cars barely fit -then there's outrage over CONSTANT deaths of cyclists!?!?
Its literally a suicide mission riding a bike here but some dopey kid starting college jumps on their bike here WITH NO CLUE???
*The social programs ARE A DISASTER TOO??
So where does our money go??
If you aren't rich, a student, poor & already set uo on all the programs -MASS COULD GIVE A SH*+ ABOUT YOU!
I hate it here but too hard to save to leave...
*First Im going to expound on my stuff....
-Seriously, if you're not wealthy, a student, connected to a Politician, or someone who fills quota numbers -MA COULD GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU!
The Middle & Lower Middle Class here are gonna be gone -SOON!
-I mentioned several examples of how its way, way too overpopulated-constant traffic, T constantly crowded, streets crowded, it swells even more during school AND THEY DO NOTHING TO PREPARE FOR IT??
Everything is an overcrowded nightmare!
-add in the nightmare of busing.... another reason people paying astronomical taxes have to also pay tuition to private/parochial otherwise kids are bused here, there, everywhere..... grow up in Boston you dont get to walk to school like orher places.
-Excise tax & annual inspection stickers for cars ON TOP OF OUTRAGEOUS INSURANCE PREMIUMS!!
-The Police either do ZERO or bother motorists & at very MOST arrest addicts, not dealers, because those are all 'shootin fish in a barrel'! They dont go after REAL CRIMINALS & if one does happen to get caught, a liberal judge will let them out!! Tou wont hear controversy from this Police force because they dont do anything!!
-I do respect Firemen... they do a very dangerous job. BUT -in Boston, the pay is INSANE for 1/24hr shift, 2 days off... and 75-80% of Firefighters I know have never been to a fire!
-All city/state jobs have full pension/bennies & IMPOSSIBLE TO GET WITHOUT CONNECTIONS or unless you fill a quota!!
-Roads, bridges, schools etc.. all a mess, but so aren't social programs -Housing is a disaster because we're on like 5-6 generations of hitting a certain age & just filling forms out... so nothing but projects left, mobile vouchers gone since 2008 (hmm with a Dem POTUS?), Welfare & SSDI are scammed to the hilt!
-Drug addicts aren't getting shipped out to Western Mass, they ARE EVERYWHERE! This state/country is so hopeless AND THE POLS GET ON TV 'oh the epidemic...' AND THEN CLOSE ALL THE PROGRAMS AT A RAPID RATE.... so all those people are out in the street!
Down by Boston Med Center is A NIGHTMARE!!
*We have some if the BEST MEDICAL FACILITIES-but be prepared to wait 1-4 mos to get appointment & they're 30mins-an hour late getting you in to see the Dr -no parking of course unless you want to pay $10-30!!
*The Politicians just suck and the same idiots keep voting for these sucky people'
Massachusetts is a racket... The government lies and cheats constituants... Worst roads per dollar spent in the country...they say no tolls... Then they reinvent them .. they have done this truck more than once... They issued state license that were for life, and later so no... That is only for five years now? How is that Constitutional... To clearly break a contract.. the deal was this, I did what the state said I had to do to get a license that was supposed to be good for life.I achieved those qualifications and received what was promised only to be told later, " yeah , that's no good anymore" everything is taxed or tolled, the Mass Pike(the only major artery) is a traffic jam... Imagine you have the honor to pay to sit in traffic jams... The bridges over Cape Cod are still set up like the where when they they where built almost 90 years ago. They harbor illegals ... They invent gun laws ... The state is a monster..funny, the most " liberal" place with the most rules, rules laws..there is a death tax .... One year ages ago, I was unemployed , well making a very small amount, I didn't have to pay federal taxes that year.. but MA still wanted a piece of my tiny earning that year .... The whole state is economicly depressed.. only Boston flourishes ... It has mono government.. one party .. no challenge system... It is the worst .
DeleteThe new toll system is set up so that some town can use the Pike for free and others can't? Who the fuck sets up a toll system like that ? Some people pay some don't? What the fuck? Really? Only in MA ...
DeleteThe liberals scream for more gun laws but liberal judges don't enforce gun laws on books.. revolving door, liberals care more about criminals than constituants...every day in the paper there are examples.. why anyone would choose to be a police officer is beyond me ... Arresting the same people over and over and over again ... Why bother? Junkies are elevated to victim status disregarding poor choices and personal responsibility.. costing billions... Attorney General picks and chooses which laws to follow... As soon as my kids are a little older I'm out of here ...
DeleteAnd how could I forget they lying Indian Senator?
DeleteI'm sure my kids will leave as well .. I see no future for them here unless they move to Boston ...
Deletewestern Mass sucks just as bad....cold, ridged liberals everywhere
DeleteI grew up and Graduated H.S in Mass, I moved to Maine for 10 years and Ive been Back in Mass for 7 years.. Straight up!!
DeleteA COMPLETE F**CKING SHITHOLE!! I feel like Im surrounded by Liberal Retards! Im trying to get my wife to move unfortunately its an uphill battle for her family is here, But she's starting to see the light.. This state truly is a Democratic, Libtard, Shithole!
I moved back here less than a year ago after living in Florida for the past 10 years, worst mistake I ever made was coming back to Massachusetts. People are so rude and always in a rush, the roads are horrendous, the state is so expensive to live in I had to move in with my parents. The place is either really nice or really shitty and rent is absolutely astronomical. For the prices they want for a regular house, nothing fancy, you could get a completed updated, huge home in Florida. This place is an absolute shit hole and is so depressing at least in the western part
Deletethis state sucks thats it!
ReplyDeleteits a horrible place to live and yes Marthas Vineyard is the epi center of this horrible state. Stay away from New England its horrible!!!!!!!!!!!! Massachusetts Motto should be "Once a thug always a thug""!!!!!!
Deletelived entire life in mass, born there and it sucks. now living stress free in NC. people are nicer life is how it should be here... screw devall patrick and every dumb ass law they have.
ReplyDeleteProbably added ten years to my life by leaving it all behind
I'm in the exact situation as you. all my life in the nanny state of MA and lovin' NC.
DeleteI live here and can't argue with you one bit your assessment is spot on
Deletelived entire life in mass, born there and it sucks. now living stress free in NC. people are nicer life is how it should be here... screw devall patrick and every dumb ass law they have.
ReplyDeleteProbably added ten years to my life by leaving it all behind
LOL Devall is a Douche
Deletemassachusetts fuck that puta rotten no good criminal fuckin people every town has a prison a private prison on every corner. the people their are just fuckin scum bags and they like being scum bags to so glad i moved out of that awful filthy shit hole of a state fuck massachusetts eat my shit and drink my pizz you fag fuckin and eat a spent tampon on me muslim loving fucking queer shit bags drop the fuck dead what a loooser fuckin state loooser fuckin people toilet full of turd and shit water over flowing in a burger king crapper is your reward massachusetts fuckin sucks and the creatins that live their are not even part of the human fucking race and dont quite qualify for humanity!go to fuckin hell you fag muslim fucking cock suckers eat shit and die
DeleteI cant wait to move! Everything you say is true. I cant believe the class warfare that is going on here. Its sooo blatent. Thats not even the worst. Everything said above is true and accurate. I hope I dont get shot for having MA plates on my car as I drive west into the sunset once again. The west seems to be the best hands down. Anyone wanna split gas? CO or Washington here we come.
Deletelived here for almost seven months now, and it's the worst place i have ever lived. i thought Florida was bad, until i moved to this dump hole!
ReplyDeleteHey… I just moved here from MN, and I totally agree. Minnesota might be cold, but we are way better to be around than massholes! I HATE it here.
DeleteMinnesota -- the only place I've lived that obsesses about what other people think about it. Tries to "out hip" Seattle and San Francisco. A place where everyone likes to think they're tolerant but no one really moves beyond their immediate circle of family or high school friends. A place that constantly tells itself how great it is but is a cultural wasteland (except for a few venues). Full of passive aggressive people with no real tradition of hospitality. Made famous by the movie "Fargo" that managed to capture the essence of the place, though Minnesotans, by and large, hate the movie and don't think they have an accent. Drivers are the worst I've seen, bested only by Indiana and rural Illinois. People walk across streets without looking, throw open car doors without considering the prospect of getting hit by passing motorists, and drive the speed limit in the passing lane. Seldom do they mean what they say or say what they mean. Probably the flakiest place I've ever lived.
DeleteI spent most of my existence in MA. Still own a house there that sits empty because I would rather have that than renting to some low life section 8er and have them trash it. I use it a few times a year for business, because I now live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and the way of life just doesn't compare. The people here are just relaxed and actually work at something other than the "system". Dump! Hate it!
ReplyDeleteThe mistake of moving here has taught me two things: why the rest of the country hates this area so much and that Massholes deserve each other.
ReplyDeleteMass is a dump. Stressed out americants rushing around going nowhere. Real nowhere man. work obscessed hamster wheelers who talk funny and enjoy misery and miserable weather.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI find it to be wicked pissah
ReplyDeleteNot to mention that your high taxes go to support lazy ass puerto- ricans who spend their entire lives on welfare.The tax revenue never goes to fix anything, the roads suck, bridges are falling down. The police are lazy ass douche bags who sit on the side of the road only pulling people going to or from work over instead of actually stopping crime. The cost of living is one of the highest in the country, rent, heat, food, insurance, you even get taxed every year on a car that you already paid taxes on. The state is overrun with stupid liberals, It's impossible to get a gun which you need because the cops never stop crime and show up a hour or two after called. They never punish anyone even if they do get arrested, pedophiles serve minimal jail time, murderers get paroled after five years. The state is more concerned with gay rights than welcoming home it's solders returning from war, Mass is a shithole full of assholes!
ReplyDeleteJust to clarify, I dislike living here in MA also just like many people in this forum, after 26 years working my a** off and paying my dues like any hard working person that lives here. I am Puerto Rican, not lazy have worked since age 16 non-stop while in high school, never received any handout and I am in my forties now. Yes, I can't wait to move to the west coast. Stating that "All Puerto Ricans are lazy and trash", is a very ignorant and oblivious statement. I have family members who are Doctors, Engineers, and Sergeants of the U.S. Military, Additionally, I have seen many, and I mean many Caucasians paying their groceries with food stamps on free health care and subsidized housing--they do an excellent job hiding it very well though, because they care way too much of what others think about them. Furthermore, a lot of illegal immigrants I have witnessed; Colombians, Guatemalans, El Salvadorians, Hondurans, Mexicans and Dominicans most say that they are Puerto Ricans to leech of the system and not give their race a bad reputation. They are Latino, therefore they could easily pass for Puerto Ricans. All of the races mentioned above, I have witnessed, every time while I'd pay my store brand groceries cash, they will proudly stand in line with two full carts of good name brand food, good meats such as stake, and five kids aside, and they keep on bringing their family members from their countries with the mindset of leeching off the tax payer. I understand there are plenty of lazy Puerto Ricans, which I also despise because of the bad reputation they give all of us including hard working ones, but do your homework first before spewing ignorant and illiterate comments on a forum.
DeleteI agree. A few bad apples do not spoil the tree. I agree in Made the degenerate, lack of moral, lazy attitude towards life and humanity is accross the board. The Africans that come to this country usually work hard, have high IQ's. The ones that come to Mass though, they pick up thia down trodden, culture. "Being here is like a bad infection that will eventually take over anymore."
DeleteHere, here... well spoken! unfortunately, if you look at a map much of MA votes red but..Blue Boston runs the show so people
DeleteReally have no political voice in MA.. it's embarrassing to live here ..
ReplyDeleteIm with you, lets get the hell out of this place and never turn back, fuck massachusetts and everybody who is in it. MA should be nuked and erased from the phase of the earth. and everybody in it as well.
DeleteI can't wait to Move back to Florida, I can't fucking stand Massachusetts at all, the worst fucking state ever!!!
DeleteYou should be nuked for saying that. Not everyone here is a douche, you stupid douche.
DeleteBoston born southern raised. I didnt know how much I hated this state till I came back. Now I vote for it to trade places with California for the whole "sinking into the fucking ocean" thing
DeleteFace* fucking dumb ass no one as stupid as you should be making suggestions about nukes
DeleteFace* fucking dumb ass no one as stupid as you should be making suggestions about nukes
DeleteLived there 50 years ago. Very enjoyable. Now? A giant mushroom cloud would be appropriate.
DeleteIt's the high level of mental illness and narcissism here is what ruined the state. The people here are the worst to be around. If you work here they will make you miserable. They don't even realize it's their toxic behavior that is ruining this place...pooh and I'm from western part
DeleteI agree with all these comments. I really wish Massachusetts would be nuked, it is just a huge springfield/worcester now with all the puerto ricans (not that i have anything against them) and they bring up all their families. It's an extremely depressing state with nothing to do and horrible weather, come here if you want to kill yourself (against your own will).
ReplyDelete..and here i thought i was only person who wanted to nuke this place
Deletewhat makes the state suck is the dumb white people who think they are still living in pilgrim days and that they are them
DeleteYeah..I miss it,Love the " Edge"
DeleteI agree so much with you guys This place sucks so bad. I grew up here left for Cal in 86. Been here a year to take care Of my elderly mom. I hate it. The massholes drive like shit. Everytime I go out I almost get into an accident. The roads suck the people suck
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to go back to Cal I miss it so much I hate mass. I have never seen roads like this. The people are the biggest aholes always in a hurry to go no where idiots. So boring nothing to do but sit in the house. Pathetic
ReplyDeleteMassholes love taxes and fees. Raised my property taxes 2 years in a row while the value of the property went down 100K ? Drivers license $100 ? What ? $100 for a license to have a gun ? Vote to curtail the turnpike toll - on a public highway? NO No - we can't cut those turnpike workers out of their gravy train job! Salt on the roads to ruin your car - so you can pay more taxes when you have to buy a new car - excise tax on a car - forever ? What the hell is that all about ?
ReplyDeleteI have lived in Mass my whole life, and yes the taxes suck and yes the DMV is terrible. But the whole state isn't so bad. Instead of hanging around Boston and Worcester, head out west. The Hampden and Hampshire counties are the nicest people (except for Springfield). Almost everyone here is friendly and the ones who aren't friendly are old and nasty sons a bitchs. We care about more than just gay rights out here. We have a lot of good colleges to go to at any budget and we aren't all liberal assholes. This is the half of the state that voted for Brown!
ReplyDeleteOh, also, due to the extreme weather in New England, all of our roads are terrible and we don't have the money to rebuild them every year
Yeah western part is just as lame. Filled with a bunch of burnt out working class hamsters on a wheel, like the other blogger said. I wouldn'tt even go asfar to call these people hippies, more like wannabies. I work fir the rich liberals here too, its like there just waiting to die, whats the point of being ru h or wealthy if ya can lighten up? the scenery is mesed up by the people.
DeleteThe roads stay destroyed because we never fix them... not because of lack of funds mind you. We have the highest road tax in the country the problem is we also have the honor of being the most corrupt state in the union.
DeleteThe same things people were talking about are true: the horrible drivers and roads, food is not affordable here, and The attitudes of people make me want to drive off a cliff and never look back. Apparently the beautiful scenery is completely marred by vicious, closed minded, faux-liberals. However there are some good things here: food delivery! There is an abundance of awesome places that deliver great food! Lol like right to your door even in extremely horrible weather, and it's freaking delish. While it's not true that all local businesses are great imo, certain local pharmacies let you get meds on credit. Marijuana laws are very lenient, and plenty of packy stores which is convenient and awesome. Buying a pack of cigarettes costs more than college tuition (a pack of marlboros costs around 11 bucks here. In Nashville they were $5.50...) but if you roll your own u can be good.
ReplyDeleteIdk I guess it's not all bad tho. Really great places for hiking and I'm somewhat of a shut in but I love getting out for hikes! I have relinquished myself of doing errands. Sometimes the people here can make me madder than a junk yard dog. And people of color here in Hampshire county usually get shafted. Take a look at the recent incidents at Amherst high school, and the rt 9 ethnic markets and shopping strip that was burnt down. Bonus negative points if you are a gay man of color!
I hate this state full of rich narrow minded liberals and well fare liberals, and god forbid of you are a republican, people are rude and unfriendly, the politicians have as much scrupples as some third word bannana replublic politician, the weather is either too hot or too cold, taxes are high...
ReplyDeleteWe don't tolerate dumbass Republicans. Sounds like a damn good state to me!
DeleteWhat the hell are "scrupples"? Mass rules... if you have enough money. If you dont then you're better off moving to one of the states where your skill set will fetch you the 10 dollars an hour you deserve.
DeleteSO SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOOS fucking hate this stupid state. Mass is the worst state I have ever stayed, and I feel so terrible since I have to stay this place at least for 5 years because of my job. OMFG, Jesus Christ do something for this miserable state!!! SOSOSOSOSSOOSO want to run away from this shit place...
ReplyDeleteI live in MA my entire life and I can really tell you the truth. This state is really miserable.
Deletebuuuuuncha fackin geeds
ReplyDeleteTook my license away for a drug felony....nothing to do with driving
ReplyDeleteGave me a road test at 10 am but can't take it because hardship is from noon till midnight
Ask me too appear for jury duty but I'm disqualified because of said felony
And there
You should all move back where you came from and stop crying like Bitches.
ReplyDeleteOh, we gotta a MA lover here. I heard there was one person out there.
DeleteAnd of course they respond with a masshole of a comment....
DeleteUm...we'd love to but your slum lords would leave us homeless effectively making it impossible to get out of this wasteland.
DeleteI'm from Mass unfortunately and can tell you first hand that this state as well as NE in general sucks. The people here are the biggest hypocrites I've ever had to deal with. So many nasty, narrow minded, judgemental, ignorant people it's ridiculous. Everyone is always on edge and ready to kill someone for not taking off quick enough at a green light. I'm constantly witnessing serious road rage wherever I go. People here are the most miserable people around. Selfish, arrogant, self serving pricks! Everything, and I mean everything is taxed up the ass. Our overinflated home taxes pay for dim witted police who do nothing but beat themselves off all day. Unfortunately I have to stay here for at least another 5-6 years. I can't wait to leave this depressing hell hole and head out west. I hate and I mean loathe everything about this place. It is hell on Earth!!!
DeleteAmen, It truely is hell on earth. I am very rational and modest, keep trllong myself that as long as I am successful I can stay here. Wrong! No matter rich or poor. The people here are horrible, no one is happy, you neighbors dont even talk to ya unless they have to. I am happy I found this blog, my advice to anyone with any councious is to try to avoid working, or settling here.
DeleteI have had the displeasure of coming here for work on a few occasions. While there are some good people here, the majority are miserable, self loathing, life hating pukes. If the plague ever returns, I would wish this would be the birthplace.
ReplyDeleteMannnnn this fucking state sucks shit ass balls. As I have read many times. Expensive as fuck. Housing is expensive as shit. Boston is a fucking dump with all then goddamn hood rat ass bastards from shitgy towns like Roxbury. Dorchester. Murderpan. Only good towns in Boston are Roslindale. And west Roxbury. Other than that. Idk why the fuck its so costly to live in drug areas like that and ghetto ass hoodlums of every race. Looks like the fucking dumping ground for all bad people of the universe. Looks like a scene from the walking dead. That's the side of Boston nobody is ever shown. As for the rest of mass.... Its OK. DONT love it for any means. But shit.... What am I saying. I hate this fucking place. I wanna move out so badly.... Somewhere nice. I hope a tsunami swallows all of Boston. This fucking state is overcrowded. Traffic everywhere. Only times of the day u can drive with sanity is between 10:30 am through 2:30 pm. Its forever congested anywhere. And I mean big time... Nothing good about living here. 1800$ for a one bedroom. No utilities. Just to say u live here ? Fuck that!
Delete100000000% agree!!!!!!!!!! Moved here from ohio and have been miserable ever since.....must get out asap!!!!!!
ReplyDelete#17 An abundance of ass fuckers like Jarad Tucker who assume that Boston/inner-495 represents the entire state.
ReplyDeleteActually, I worked, studied, and lived all over the state and there are definitely regions where all of these points aren't 100% applicable. Unfortunately, the government issues and negative things that come from the more populace areas radiate throughout the state and represent the majority of it. So, while everything here isn't exactly what you will find everywhere, all the time, these points still remain a good summary of my overall experiences while living there.
DeleteBut, thank you for ironically showcasing the friendly Massachusetts attitude with your constructive, tasteful comment.
Also, my name is spelled "Jared"
If you like rude drivers, slum lords, bad accents, welfare, and losing money then most of New England is for you.
ReplyDeleteI am originally from Burlington VT and I came here for reasons other than my wanting to (didn't work out) but I've been stuck here for almost a decade (slumlord imfamous for keeping deposits) and I can say that from Boston to braintree, hingham, weymouth and at least as west as pittsfield and north adams that the general apathetic disposition coupled with a huge lack of moral fiber (even grandmother's can be con artist's I learned) and add the fact that this place is starved for intellectual stimulation and you have you're beloved state, here. Don't get me wrong-I have met nice people here. They are sadly few and far between and usually it's not without benefit to themselves. This place took a very nice lovng girl and stomped her flame right out because I now am a jaded mess who hates to leave home so yeah, thanks for that MA.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteLived here all 29+ years of my life. Friends tell me to get out, but at this point, I don't even see the point.
ReplyDeleteApparently I should be proud of our "good schools" (so kids can do 8th grade level math instead of 5th grade level by graduation), "health care" (which is expensive, and I never use it, so I'm just getting robbed by the health insurer), and whatever things a typical leftist clown in this state likes to cite to show how "awesome" it is. Never mind the high cost of everything, the regulations, the taxes, the complete inability to make a living for oneself without busting their ass at some terrible job, and the brutal weather. How's anyone supposed to do anything when starting salaries will be $35k (pre-tax) and you have to shell out $800/mo for a crappy studio apartment in some suburb that'll rob you blind for tax dollars? I hope to one day make it to Texas.
Been here most of my life and yes I agree, this isn't the place to live for most. Pretty much the only thing that keeps me here is family and not being able to find a better job elsewhere...yet. Only time I recall it being good was as a college student and hitting the bars in the Fenway and Brookline areas around BU. Working as a professional, I can't say it's been the greatest place to live and can't stand the unpredictable weather. Need to wait the week before taking a week off on vacation for a nice weather to work outside and even then there's no guarantee.
ReplyDeleteI will tell you what happened children.
ReplyDeleteOnce there was a State of Man that thought it was better than anywhere else on Earth. It was in this country mostly before slavery and after the appalling failures of the pilgrims and subsequent kindness of some Abenaki that the City of Boston and the good men and women of Massachusetts stood against tyranny, oppression and taxation and became the cultural hub and center of learning that it is now recognized to have been once. But not without burning women children alive first. For land. There is a deep evil rooted in Massachusetts. A glowering, brutal spirit desiring to oppress and enslave and ruin for PROFIT. Thus it has ever been in the Commonwealth.The common game of the land being Gotcha! Darts thrown into your face for a lark. Maligned Schadenfreude and casual cruelty at someone else's expense. The common man's sport.
The game is slavery now, to the Commonwealth.
The ruling class of politicians and bureaucrats, civil servants and their enforcer counterparts the police and courts and their thriving extensions at the Department of Social Services and elsewhere are the gangrenous, rotten core of the problem. These are the First Class Citizens. Most above the law and the rest enforcing it. A significant percentage of the population by now. Corrupt by design and complicit in every way, totally engineered to disenfranchise and enslave through fear and threat of harm by force or by finance. To live of of you like parasites.
You fucking sheep. You fucking COWARDS. You are all complicit and you DESERVE your chains.
Get up and leave. If you do not agree move away they don't deserve you, the rest of us will welcome you and give you a place at our table...
Fuck your Whole Entire State, Sturbridge village and the nice bits included. That place will only get worse and the guy who told you that they deserve each other is spot on. The place is a game to it's masters and they have been there fucking away at the plebeians for a few centuries now. Get he fuck out of there now.
PS I really, really hate Massachusetts and I hope the whole place gets aids including the buildings and shit. Oh I hate it sooo much. Oh. So much. I feel better now thanks.
Deletelol I understand.
DeleteThank you so much for laying all of that out. I live in MA from birth to age 27 and I will be in recovery for quite some time. I can only hope to remedy a fraction of the damage done, but some of my better parts were fucked out of me. Such an ice-cold, evil, junkie shithole.
DeleteVenting about how awful life in MA is no longer makes me feel any better, because I've been doing it since I was 12. What the hell are we supposed to do with all of this deep-seated trauma? 100% of my family, both sides, lives in MA. I'm the only one that got out and I'm never going back. They're stuck there. What am I supposed to do? This sucks..
Agree with everybody totally. Literally counting the days to get out of here. Coming here was the worst thing ever. Hate everything around here. Once i get out of here will never ever even look back.
ReplyDeleteThose thinking about moving here, just dont. The worst idea ever, trust me.
I hate fing Mass. Full of stupid assed liberals and blowhards. The Mass. liberal mommy bloggers are the worst. They live in their big houses and preach their liberal views but do you think one of them would take in a homeless person? HA. Bunch of GD hyocrites who love to hear themselves speak and want some sort of faux fame from their minions. See Jessica Wilson, Newton A blogger Such an ASSHOLE! Her husband is also a dick.
ReplyDeleteYou took the words right out of my mouth couldn't agree with each item more. I grew up here and moved away for 5 years in the military. Just came back and been here almost a year and cannot wait to leave again. After living in 6 different states and traveling through 20 of them, massachusetts is by far among the worst.
ReplyDeleteI made the mistake of marrying into this state. OMG it's hideous. It's corrupt as NYC pre-Roosevelt. I come from the DEEP south, and have never seen racism as blatant and hateful as it is here. My husband thinks it's just like any other place - but he's never been to any other place, whereas I've lived in four different areas (including another country).
ReplyDeleteCorrupt, vicious, greedy, inhumane. Moreover, the women are worse than the men, and I'm a feminist! All of my friends are men from other parts of the country.
People in Massachusetts are INCREDIBLY RUDE. Cutting one another off in isles of stores, never say please or thank you, very very rude. Not at all like the rest of the United States.
ReplyDeletePeople in Massachusetts are INCREDIBLY RUDE. Cutting one another off in isles of stores, never say please or thank you, very very rude. Not at all like the rest of the United States.
ReplyDeleteOh my god I totally agree with everything you said as I grew up and still live on the Northeast Coast of Mass inside I495; I thought it was just me. There is no such thing as neighborally love, nobody talks to each other. The best way I can describe people out here is they're socially conservative yet fiscally liberal; a weird mix. Lot of Trump and Hillary supporters on the East Coast, nobody for Sanders or Rand Paul. The police will give you a ticket for every little violation, and absolutely the taxes are insane. It's impossible to be an entrepenaur here as small mom and pop shops are taken over by corporate chains. No place to hunt, no place to farm, can't even put up a fence without permission from the town. Nobody takes care of the environment out here, everyone throws their trash on the side of the road as they expect the town to come and clean it up. I imagine the West Coast of Mass including the Berkshires are totally different, almost Vermont like. Definitely going to move out where the mountains and valley's meet.
ReplyDeleteThere is one state though that has it worse then us around here, Connecticut.
DeleteTrue, I live in Mass, Right next to CT.The residents are like zombies, they all want out and most are moving out.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSpot on. All of it. People are just. So. Fucking. Rude!! For the most part they have no manners whatsoever. 'Please' and 'thank you' are rare, and I'm living in western Mass, BTW. For those of you who claim that western Mass is different from the rest of the state - it's not. The people are just as rude on and off the road here as everywhere else in the state and they pass that down to their kids generation after generation. It has always perplexed me how there can be so many institutions of higher learning in one state, yet most of the population has such a low class/blue collar manner and attitude. They all think they're brilliant, too. Not a descriptive I'd use. Crafty, yes, shady...definitely. And it's true - they're generally very provincial. I've heard the term 'from out of state' used to describe non-Mass natives more than a few times. Having lived in 3 other states and traveled to others extensively, I can tell you that term isn't used anywhere else in the same way or to the same extent. Fekkin' Massholes
ReplyDeleteWell Said.. The place has a bad spirit.
DeleteWE FINALLY left for Palm Beach County because of one particular reason.....ELIZABETH "LIAWATHA" WARREN. The biggest fraud ever perpetraded on MA.
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of crybabies.... got some Massachusetts in your vaginas do ya? How's Tennessee or Florida working out for ya? Let me know how all that goes...
ReplyDeleteFuck yourself. Fuck Florida and Tennessee as well.
DeleteMoved to SC...better in every way! You're just to stupid and proud to admit you're being screwed. The population is shrinking in MA, guess who is gonna have to take up that tax burden...have fun with that bozo.
DeleteI've been in MA all my life, everything written above is dead on. I'm moving soon because Massachusetts sucks. And the liberals can get on their knees and suck my dick.
ReplyDelete"Please let it be noted that there are still some very nice people who live in Mass. In fact, some of the nicest people I have ever met live in Mass., and have decided to stay there for one god-forsaken reason or another. By the end of my 4 years there, I had definitely started turning into a miserable, impatient, inconsiderate person due to the constant stress and negativity around me all the time. While living there, transforming yourself into a Masshole is necessary to complete day-to-day activities, such as going to the grocery store or really any task that requires leaving the house. If you don't, and dare to show human decency, you will never get anywhere and it will take forever to accomplish anything. It is like a "survival of the douchiest" situation."
ReplyDeleteSPOT FUCKING ON!!! I've lived in this shit state for over 30 years, and what you described is very accurate. This state turns you into a douchebag.
Thank God I am finally leaving this hell hole after 1 1/2 years. I had to move up here for family reasons. As someone who spent the first 36 years of my life in FL and NC, this place is unreal. I have not met one person up here who actually wants to live here. You get: 1) Extremely high cost of living (double than anywhere else I've lived); 2) Extremely high taxes that are misused/embezzled; 3) A huge government that is extremely corrupt and wants to control all aspects of your life; 4) Horrible weather; 5) Terrible traffic that resembles 5:00 gridlock in other states on a Sunday afternoon; and 6) The worst drivers in the country.
ReplyDeletePerhaps worst of all is how miserable, angry and rude the people are. It's fucking absurd when you're living in a state where people put "Masshole" bumper stickers on their cars. I agree with the people who have said it sort of sucks the life out of you over time. I have never seen people be so mean to each other anywhere. I get the same feeling others mentioned-I don't even want to leave my house.
Fuck Massachusetts. Living here has been like living in a prison without walls. You can't explain to other people who haven't lived here how you are living in a state where virtually no one wants to be here. I can't imagine a worse state to live in, except maybe New Jersey. This is not representative of what it's like to live most places in the U.S. I think this is where they sent Cain to live after he killed his brother Abel. It's truly a curse.
A curse indeed, and getting worse. It's baffling, I tell most of my friends and family how bad it is and they say, "Well you gotta make compromises everywhere you go.".. So naive to think that horrible weather, high taxes, and a selfish meat-head beer-drinking ballgame junkie community are some kind of trade-off. Whats the plus side?! Low crime rates I guess..? maybe in some areas.
DeleteYou all sound like a bunch of whiny, useless cry babies. If you don't like it, GET THE FUCK OUT!!
ReplyDeleteYou all sound like a bunch of whiny, useless cry babies. If you don't like it, GET THE FUCK OUT!!
ReplyDeleteWe did get out and it's GREAT!!!! Fuck you and that shithole state!!!
DeleteI Am a Native Floridian, I relocated 8 short months ago and WILL BE MOVING BACK IN 2 MONTHS! The weather and things generally do not bother me (we all get used to climates after awhile) However While My home state is considered a crime infested shithole Atleast FLORIDA Makes up for its issues with a Lower cost of Living, Nice beaches, WInters that are amazing and Generally Lax laws on fun. Fireworks, Guns, and many beer places are open till 2 am. Now Florida sucks on its marijuana laws BUT THAT IS CHANGING! FLA sucks but atleast its nto overly expensive. WTF mass Seems liek all you do is TAX MY CHECK AND FEE ME FOR RIDICULOUS LAWS AND REGULATIONS THAT SHOULD NOT EXIST. Its also a state were I SAW MORE RACISM THAN IN THE SOUTH! The white people here are all liberal douchebag elitists that work for pharma and corporate bullshit and the Minorities work fast food. Not to mention Mass continues to raise taxes to fund programs LIEK SYRIAN REFUGEES AND ILLEGAL MEXICAN SANCTUARY CITIES! Oh and if your house get brokebn into and you Eliminate the threat by using force (ie killing the intruder YOU GET CHARGED WITH MURDER! THIS STATE IS LITERALLY FULL OF Illegal immigrantsm Refugees, People that suck the system and ENTITLED DOOUCHY SPOILED WHITE KIDS THAT WILL NEVER WORK HARD IN TEHRE LIVES! I HATE THIS SHITHOLE AND WILL NEVER RETURN. FUCK YOUR EXCISE TAXES AND CRAP ASWELL! I'm sick of funding people that hate us!
ReplyDeleteGo back to europe then u FUGLY masshole! YOU get out then things might improve! IDIOTS
ReplyDeleteAlso the dumb cunt who tailgated in woburn, ma near target needs to be HANGED you are tailgating someone in the right lane you fucking MORON! then u get angry and give a finger you're so pathetic! instead of doing a LANE CHANGE like a normal person u kept tailgating causing your own misery - u are DUMB and pathetic! btw i laughed later at your STUPIDITY!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Yeah what is with them tailgating. Come on mass people, you do this all day, from east to west of mass. My philosophy or theory of why these sheep do this is because 1.They have nothing better to do, when they get in a car, they go crazy, 2. They lack free spirit, its ok to ride solo, you dont have to always be bunched together with other cars if you dont have to, 3.Most of them are in a Rush, theres not too many laid back people like out west, they realy think life is the material.
DeleteI saw a stat where at least 41% of the MA population would move if they could, behind only Illinois and CT. I agree with it all the posts above especially the idiots who tailgate and then flip you off for being in front of them. For some reason the solid yellow line on the roads is just a suggestion, can't tell you how many times lazy drivers cut blind corners and don't even move when they see you. Morons everywhere, western, eastern, it does not matter.
ReplyDeleteYup, all of the above is so correct. Worst place to live in the US and I have lived in quite plenty different places. You forgot to mention the hidden racism that exists.
DeleteI'm going to spend the rest of my life forgetting you, you ugly, sick, deranged paranoid lunatics who make up the state of Massachusetts. Goodbye, FOREVER.
ReplyDeleteTell em!!! I will enjoy every bit of my life not habing to deal with these miserable people, constantly causibg trouble because they are miserable and want to make everyone else that way!
DeleteMassachusetts is a rough place to live. Been here 37 years now and I'm about ready to leave. Terrible shitty hell on earth winters. Hot muggy as son of a gun summers. Self important entitlement issued drivers with no respect for the road or the people around them. Rude ass people who actually pride themselves of their rude nature by walking around with the proud title of Masshole.
ReplyDeleteI agree. I even see bumper stickers that say Masshole on them. The idiots in this state are actually proud of them. It makes me sad.
Deletebunch of cock sucking mother fuckers here in Massachusetts. Moving to Cali soon and going to give a big FUCK YOU to all you mother fuckers who still reside in this God forsaken shit hole of a state. The weather here sucks balls Winters are nothing short of Hell on Earth and for a soild 4 months, people suck too all angry mother fuckers
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to add another thing guys. I live in western Mass and I realize when winter is finally over and the weather is actually nice. From my observation, it makes the A holes come out in droves. So every were is super crowded and as usual, even when these people are in crowds, if you watch carefully, as a social experiment, they just look at each other, no natural communication, definately, there is a herd mentality. I guess all im saying is I cant wait to travel out of here so I can meet free thinkers, people with high moral. Its the indoctrination here we are seeing. Dear Massholes its ok to be an individual, Feel free, fu$k me!!!lol
ReplyDeleteI disagree. This state is ok. And no I'm not a liberal in fact my whole family is republican. The average life is good. School is good.. except for Evolution, Global Warming, and Democratic things it's a average state. It's crime is low it isn't like Michigan. Its more countryside like so if you like towns your good. I mean compare it to Alaska, or Nevada. Alaska is a freezing cold place and Nevada is too hot and desert. Massachusetts has normal weather.
ReplyDeletedemocrat from MA here! i slighty disagree with you
DeleteBoston is a dump. the folks are frumpy, nasty, rude, aggressive, and pseudo-intellectuals who don't know, what they don't know. they cannot carry on a conversation unless it involves phone diddling. Hustlers, hucksters, and carpet baggers.
ReplyDeleteI am originally from Mass and now back in Mass because Mass forced me to move back to Mass to get the Mass Hardship drivers license because of a D.U.I.......from 1989. Yes....1989 is right ! Then once back in Mass they sacked me 15 years after my last D.U.I. ( never been in an accident except for a little fender bender and been driving since 1979 ) and slapped a lifetime suspension on me without even reoffending. And the reason they said the couldnt give me my license back was because years and years after my last D.U.I. they changed the laws with this lifetime look-back and even with my not reoffending they were not giving me my license back. I couldnt belive it.....and this after not drinking for 19 1/2 years now they out of nowhere they dothis and get away with it. Everyone that knows me and people they know that they have told are appalled at how this state treats people. Initially I dont blame the Registry.....I blame 2 lawyers that botched it right in front of me on 2 separate occasions forcing it to the next step......and in the end the Registry just moved in for the coupe de grace. Ive since lost about all my long-term customers, have lost 100 s and 100's of thousands of dollars in wages, destroyed my perfect credit history, enabled several people to take advantage of me for $10,000 of thousands of dollars.....one a now ex-friend again lied me me about his still owning land where he let me keep my 3 vehicles charging me to leave them there....and he hadnt owned the land in 8 years as my vehicles disappeared and I am heading for a court battle after they were illegally towed...I go to buy a house and another Massachusetts loser steals my deposit (Carol J Tule ) then got indicted and my loser lawyer did nothing.......I worked on that asses house for one month driving there after the first lawyer screwed me....and he watched me drive to his house for a month.....once he too botched my license and botched $44,000 owed to me I hired another lawyer. When that lawyer found out he was fired he called the police on me for driving on a suspended license......suspended because he blew it....then Massachusetts throws me in jail for 60 days because of their mandatory minimum cookie-cutter laws......at that point I had been sober near 18 years......So are you seeing how Massachusetts treats its citizens now ??????? My uncle grew up in Massachusetts. ...went to law school in Massachusetts. ...but did the N.H. thing. In 1983 he became a judge in NH.and not long after got a D.U.I. as he was having some marital issues......he again got another D.U.I. not long after that. NH. overlooked the first one.....but made him check in for the second. N.H. was willing to work through things and help him. And he quit drinking and remained on the bench for many years after that for a total of 25 years. Shortly aftrr retirement he was hit and killed by a drunk driver in 2013. I dont know the other side of things ive been told.....if this doesnt hit home.....I dont know what does. These geniuses at the R.M.V. are clueless. If you look at most D.U.I. fatalities its due to someone with no D.U.I. history as with my uncle. That kid......got a year in jail.
ReplyDeleteBorn and raised in Gloucester Massachusetts with the worst losers in the entire universe. Even as a small kid I knew I wasn't in the right place and could not understand anyone wanting to live there even for a minute much less all their lives which is what most of my family did. UGH! Druggies and ignorant fisherman all over the place. Only one nice place there, the back road in East Gloucester and only doctors and lawyers can afford it. The rest of it sucks, sucks, and more sucks. Hard!
ReplyDeleteBeen away 20 years and have never been back or regretted the move. Ever!
And I hope never to go back to Massachusetts again as long as I live.
Seems like everyone has forgotten about the weather.
ReplyDeleteHumidity? Aweful.
Summernights? Sweaty af
snow on halloween? You bet your ass
The smell of Woburn? Aweful.
Did I mention the humidity?
I am estimating 2 more years dealing with the misery of western mass and after that I wont have to be around these people only if I pass them by but after dealing with them for the last 18 years I have seen enough. They all deserve each other and theres no hope for such a place so far gone into depth of selfishness
ReplyDeleteI have spent all 30 years of my years here. And, as soon as I landed in the crap hole of Western Mass, I fell into a deep dark hole of crap. Many people here are imbeciles and they have no respect for other people. They are selfish and entitled pricks. I can't same the same about Taunton, Fall River, and New Bedford, They seem to be less heartless and inconsiderate like these degenerates.
ReplyDeleteWow,wow thank you. Its good to know I am not the only one who noticed that the people in western mas, berkshires are degenerate, self intitled, low life, aint shit people who will pull a lot of back woods game on you.
DeleteI thought i was the only crazy one haha. I have traveled all over the USA but MA is something else. I have never seen anyone take longer to do pointless construction in such a small state. worst roads in the country and thats a compliment to new jersey and Michigan. Moved from NY because my wife is in healthcare was being transferred to work at Umass. I supported her and i thought it would be nice to experience MA. Before the move I had been to Boston several times so It didn't seem too bad. I had the pleasure to work all over MA but my favorite places Worcester and Fitchburg. Broke cities and those two are the Biggest dumps I've ever seen and I grew up in Mexico City near some of the world's most dangerous neighborhoods in a third world country. Bunch of losers with no dreams no aspirations and no future. it feels like the hood no matter where you go. Horrible drivers that I agree want to get everywhere fast with their little 4 cylinder engines. I've driven cross country through 48 states and I have never been more tailgated than in MA to the point where I want to fight people. save your gas, relax, and get some cars with some actual horsepower losers. I drive 700 hp car and I take pride in showing these massholes what going fast actually looks like. the state is just old. everywhere you go looks old. just like anywhere there are some amazing people and places but very very very few. Boston, Lexington, Nantucket, Cape Cod did not impress me too much. I've everywhere in MA because I tried for 2 years!! to find nice spacious neighborhood to buy a home. the places that actually look okay are Shrewsbury and Northborough MA. Wegmans there is beautiful and that area makes you feel better. The Milbury Shopping center is nice as well. Very beautiful in fact and thats rare for MA. I have not found a neighborhood that wows me enough to want to stay in MA. even in the country roads are narrow and not appealing. Takes me 5 mins to find a place that wows me in Nashville TN, Woodlands TX, Upstate NY, Newburgh NY, Saratoga NY ETC... MA will never even compare to some properties can buy in top neighborhoods in other US cities. Just by smelling the air and seeing a place you can tell if you see future there. MA does not inspire me and I never saw future there. People that are born there and all of the immigrants that move to MA might find it okay since they grew up there and its normal or life in your home country was much worse and MA seems like a palace. House prices here are also over priced and ridiculous. I don't understand how people can expect to have a future when most can't even afford a home in this state. unless you're rich you are dumping most of your income into a mortgage that you will die paying. I closed on a beautiful home in Texas 5 acres in a nationally ranked community (no texas is not all dirt and desert) in the woods with a pool and unlimited backyard and low taxes and no income tax in texas. ALL FOR 1/3 OF THE PRICE OF A MUCH LESSER PROPERTY IN MA. I do apologize if there seems to be more negative than positive in MA but maybe I'm just too ambitious and don't settle for average.
ReplyDeleteI come from a state thats 25 times bigger than MA. MA is the size of a peanut. Not my type of state. might be okay for others. I couldn't last long in MA. too colonial and too old. I wanted a place to settle for a long time and MA did not offer the best bang for my buck. why buy a 800k home when I can get that for 400k or even less in better locations in other states. very hard to find decent home in this state thats not over 500k. Boston is really the only place where i was able to get the six figure job i wanted with an hour commute (2 hours with traffic) there was no jobs with future in other parts of the state. so many parts of ma seem broke with small populations. Winter in MA is horrible. I quickly missed my 50-60 degree January days back home. I never understood why people live here their whole lives. what kind of dreams and aspirations are you really gonna achieve unless you're in Boston where the action happens. Summer is very pretty but lets get real. summer is pretty everywhere. I rather deal with 4 months of 90 degree weather back in my home state than deal with cold and snow for 4 months. at least I can still do things in 90 degree weather that I can't do here in the winter. plus once things cool off in the afternoon those 90 degree days turn into 75 degrees which is perfect. i'll sweat my ass off and not be hibernating for 4 months watching tv and eating potato chips, shoveling snow, cleaning snow off my car, and being stuck inside during snowstorms which is bad for business. not work that day equals no money. winter days with snow hurt my business with my clients. I get good business 365 days a year back home. I want to live in place that makes me feel good about myself and feel like this is the place to be. MA did not offer that for me and that's why I left. I will go back but only to take my kids to the boston aquarium. thats about it.
ReplyDeleteThis thread gives me life. I'm 25 I was born in western Ma and moved to Pa when I was 18, I should have stayed but I'm back now for family. The 4 years I've been "home" have been so sad and lonely. I have not one friend, anyone Ive tried to get close to has used me or abused me so I don't even try now. Any job I've worked provided little to no training, no positive work environment and unsafe conditions. I even took a job one summer at a farm to get out of the depressing public environment and the boss thought he was a slave driver and instructed employees to "come running" when he whistled no matter what they were doing. I was told I was only hired because of my looks as a back-handed way of saying I needed to work harder ?? I quit soon after because of the toxic bullshit. I've been slut shamed countless times by ppl my own age and older folks as well.I think I have a complex now because I feel ashamed for being a beautiful & confident woman. My favorite time was at the grocery store a woman followed me from the parking lot to tell me that my shorts were too short and I was going to encourage men take pictures of my butt. (they were modest shorts) Any men I have dated here are low-key sexist assholes who stopped maturing at age 12 . They have major Mommy-issues and absolutely no idea what a woman wants. There's a theme of guys acting like they are kings and women being put down and disrespected. Theres subtle (and not to subtle) racism everywhere and kids who have never seen a black person in their life. There is no value in family and a lot of people I know don't even celebrate holidays or birthdays with family members because they don't want to spend the money or drive 20-30 minutes to visit. It's a sad depressing reality here. I'm working up the courage to leave and reminding myself that everywhere is not like Massachusetts
ReplyDeleteWow, wow you are right and I'm a guy?g. This place,these people in Western mass are backwardz as hell. I'm a confident guy been here since 14 years now 33. The dudes here get feelings and act womanish. The females act like guys thats why that chick slut shamed you. Be proud to be confident and pretty. Screw these people, only reason im here is because of my son,but for my own mental health I might have to move on or he is going to have an empty shell of a dad. It's the people and the culture that ruin this fuckin state.look wise it has some charm in rural setting.
DeleteIt's all in your own perception, I just moved back from Virginia which is a god awful place, I think the lady that wrote this is from the south. Every state in America has their drawbacks, get over it. If you are having a hard time take some time for your own mental health before you have a breakdown and blame everything else like this lady
ReplyDeleteYour right the traffic sucks, taxes are high and I as a state worker could tell you why. I don't care what anyone tells you, no state worker is killing themselves, My worst day here is easier than any private company I have worked for in my life. And I still do more than the average state worker i see. And the abuse gets worse the higher the salary. I see the next job class up put down 40 hours on their time card and most are not here even 30 hours a week and the boss just signs off.
ReplyDelete2. My autistic son has been working his ass off to get a high school diploma and won't get one due to the brilliance of the Mass. board of higher ed and the MCAS. He came up two points short on the math part and even though he will pass all his classes, pass the other two MCAS exams. Thousands of hours of studying blood sweat and tear and those Massholes are going to screw shim over two points on one exam. And he has had what I consider the best teachers imaginable. Saints as far as i am concerned. The members of the Board of Education have more in common with Hitler, Himmler and Mengele than anyone who gives a damn about the students they flush down the toilet every year. Got a kid with special needs if you ever want them to get a diploma stay the hell out of Mass. anonymous as I wouldn't doubt them to fail him on his last attempt because of my comment.
Moved here from the Midwest. I hate the place. Everything that is not Boston is absolutely boring, weather sucks, prices are insane, urban and road planning does not exist, people are mean.
ReplyDeleteAgree, Route 146 from Providence to Worcester has been under construction since I started driving. Cardi Construction is a scam, I left many car parts on RT 146 after hitting bumps and put holes since 1975. The Three Stooges could have done a better job.
ReplyDeleteJust to let you know that the Mass Pike was paid for thu bonds and was to be a toll free road, yeah right. Route 9 has so much traffic so now the Governor want to INCREASE tolls during PEAK rush hours, year right. State Gas tax can now be increased without approval from the people. The only thing good about MA is hospitals, education, beaches (only if you can put up with traffic) food and Asian woman. BTW, restaurants prices have increased 30 to 40 percent in about 2 years.
ReplyDeleteI have lived on the south shore for 63 years...don't know why. Try stopping at a right on red light anywhere on the south shore, if you dare looking left for oncoming traffic, you just might get attacked
ReplyDeleteI totally agree!people from here have a different experience then people who aren't. This is the worst state ever!
ReplyDeleteCORRUPT COURT SYSTEM. I brought a small claims case for a broken window. Woman retaliated by filing a HARASSMENT RAPE ORDER on me. Of course the RULES say it can't be filed but the man haters in the court pushed it through anyway.
ReplyDeleteHarassment Order Fill in NAME of person you hate. Check this court paragraph RAPE box "I am afraid he is going to HARM or RAPE me." checked off it that EASY! "GOING TO >....RAPE" Going to???? That's a thing?
THE WEATHER SUCKS!!!! People who come here from other areas of the country call the weather, "Bi-Polar" and it sure is. You can't count on anything or plan events outside. Summer is too short, winter is way too long, really damp and cold, And oh yes did I mention constant cloud cover? Trying to grow food here or have a garden is a joke. And the wind doesn't just blow, it howls, dead branches come flying off the trees, electric power gets knocked out many times in winter. Thank heavens for wood stoves! Even if you are someone who enjoys winter, you wont enjoy it here. A foot or two of snow then next day rain turning into a slushy, muddy mess then everything freezes up and your yard and driveway become a skating rink I could fill ten pages of this, but I think you get the point. I am sitting here in August with the heat on in the morning. It's insane! Just when my garden is doing well the cold nights start to kill it. One last thing, If you have any kind of arthritis don't come here unless you like pain and stiffness. Damp weather is not conducive o health. I do my best to care for my health but I would move if I had the funds.
ReplyDeleteTo all Massachusetts haters, I see the frustration, resentment and bitterness. Professional and academic competition is really really hard in Boston because we have the best brains from all parts of the world here. I came to Boston seven years ago and can't complain. All of you bitter and resented are just a bunch of mediocres that never got brain to compete.
ReplyDeleteIts a Shithole, Brain's
Delete😂😂😂 Massholes are Dumb A.F
Fuck off ugly 4 eyed loser geek.
DeleteI grew up on the North Shore. I've always disliked my hometown and the entire state. It's just way too expensive, crowded, corrupt and the taxes are ridiculous. Many of the residents are shallow, superficial and mentally unconscious. I moved away for awhile and it was wonderful! Unfortunately, I had to return due to a medical emergency. I can't believe the cost of housing and the liberal gentrification of jobs! There is much contempt among the classes.
ReplyDeleteI moved to Cape Cod 25 years ago and have seen it go down the drain since gay marriage became legal in MA. No more wreaths on town lampposts that say Merry Christmas, no more nativity scenes on town squares, stupid holocaust remembrances on school grounds every year(the ADL destroyed this place)this place is a liberal hellhole and it is misery to live here. In the last 3 years Cape Cod has been a housing place for disgusting illegal and third world country criminals/skanks and everywhere you go now it smells like dirty/unbathed black people. Yes, there are thousand of these apes who are not clean and every place you go into, stores,restaurants,even the hospital stinks. There are way to many spics here as well and that combined with intense price gouging, creepy transgenders and other bully LGBT members, rude drivers, Cape Cod is now a literal realm of hell. There's even been a serious increase in rats here. DON'T ever move here or vacation here. The losers in this state got pot legal also which means that the stupidest people in America live on the Cape. The people here are also lazy, entitled, rude and unfriendly and I want to get the hell out of here. Cape Cod is a totally libtard community and the Demobrats murdered it as it wasn't like this when I moved here which is really sad.
ReplyDeleteHello everyone. I was born and raised in MA. When i turned 20 I joined the Navy. there was no opportunities in Mass. Go into the union go to college or get arrested because they over police like nobody else. After 7 years of being away i’ve gained a lot of perspectives living in other cultures in America. America is a wonderful place. although its not perfect, i’ve been thoroughly enjoyed everywhere. MA on the other hand is so unbelievably prejudice tyrannical and intolerant. I could actually feel the resentment towards one another in the air. Unlike anywhere I lived after i left. To come back was honestly a nightmare. They have failed Their communities. It is a degenerate abusive radical place . The people live for nothing. Oh sure they like football but good luck finding someone throwing one. Their sports teams athletes dont even come from NE the place is modern day slavery working practically anywhere. I swear the real racists are hiding out here now. Its true darkness its a bad place. Death and disease is MA passion. They have crippling depression and they love mob rule. The corruption and sabotage, the government and 0accountability, the disempowered communities. The people are not in their power and they def dont inspire, admire, or motivate. They’re bad people good ones need to get out now. MA knows nothing of diversity or humility. They’re low like really low. Drug addicts drunkards and teen moms. They are extremely regressive. California practically took over the world in the last 20 years And here is MA with more problems than when i left the stinkin state. Victims criminals...Massachusetts values- i just dont know where they come from they are such BAD VALUES talking to people about real things is disbanded. Nobody has hobbies. Oh except gambling and smoking. They also suffer from a heavy identity crisis because practically everywhere in MA is the 2.0 version of the UK literally everything named in MA already has the name in the UK, like Boston, its a town in the UK. You can imagine the culture is hella confused. They even hate soccer i think thats why they love football so much football gives them an identity. But its just sports like anywhere else. They losers for sure. There is no debate MA will probably have another war on their hands. They’re narrow minded and fat REALLY FAT. Then they talk about medicine when the pharmacies are fucking aweful. Only placeS worse than MA is NY AND Michigan. And even still MA might even beat Michigan because atleast its a big state. Everyone here is always fighting, stealing, and loathing in their homes. I’m all over the place sorry for that but MA is literally a 3rd world state. Fuck MA and all their rebellious thinking. They love being hated and i kinda love hating them now. Dont sweat it though guys MA ain’t shit seriously. Boston makes up the city for like all of new england becuase all of new england is regressive. People run away to NH and Vermont but there’s literally nobody in those states lol. Everyone i have ever known there is a nobody. They’re posers, haters, and thieves. Lack all ambition unless they’re going to college(woohoo) in their foreign ass colleges that teach them how to hate America. They’re literally the enemy people. California was a wonderful place. Please dont hate Cali. hate the northeast especially MA That place can get fucked in hell by a firey dick.
ReplyDeleteSo much hate on this state. I find it funny that even though the author knows this is a liberal state, We still have to answer to rich Republicans. And that's why For instance, that you have to pay money to recycle. Do realize that Republicans are the problem? Not the solution.
ReplyDeleteMA sucks the most because of the gays. They ruined the entire state. Provincetown (that they stole from the Portuguese fishermen decades ago) should be declared the pedo hole it is and be shut down once and for all.
ReplyDeleteGays don't deserve the freedom they now have to do all the damage they've done, especially to helpless kids and you can thank all the degenerates in MA for that. And not only have they destroyed what was once a good state, they've ruined the entire country actually.
LGBTQPXYZ will always be the shame of MA
(along with that loser Deval Patrick)and that's just really,really sad.
Mass-2-shits, 88% pathetic self absorbed loud dude inconsiderate = mass-holes. They ruin natural beauty of the land.Drivers run red lights, at best roll through stop sign and treat their dogs better than other humans. Duck boston,duck the whole state. Just another shithole!
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