Well, I finally broke down and watched the movie Paranormal activity recently, and thought it was well done, except for the finish. It was finally a new idea, and suspenseful enough, and creepy enough to keep my attention throughout. I mean what was weirder than the girl standing, motionless, staring at her fiance for hours on end as he slept.
I did however notice several inconsistencies that bothered me throughout the movie. Often times the footage shot with their camera had a date/time stamp, yet other times, did not. There was no obvious reason to have omitted it... maybe they just forgot. Anyway, it was noticeable, and annoying. I also picked up on, again what was supposed to be footage shot from an unmanned camera on a tripod, several panned shots, zooms, and close ups... Again this was from a camera that was supposedly on a tripod while the couple slept. It certainly played to the audience, building suspense, but, THIS WAS SUPPOSEDLY FROM A CAMERA MOUNTED ON A TRIPOD WHILE THEY WERE SLEEPING! C'mon now, there are people in the audience that will notice things like this.
The female lead in the movie was seemingly unable to operate a simple telephone throughout the movie. Several times she threatened to call an “expert”, but seemingly “couldn't”. Again, Hollywood, c'mon, this was just stupid. Let her make the call for chrissakes...
Now, the ending... the movie, until this point was fairly well done, never showing too much, never revealing the “demon”, until the end. This is where they, in my opinion went wrong... To show the girl, now “demonized” come attack the camera, seemingly just to shock the audience, was just stupid. A much better ending, I think would have been to have had the guy thrown across the room, and the girl... just disappear... It would have left us wanting more, still feeling suspense, still feeling scared... Instead, they went for the typical Hollywood last minute “jump the audience”. Whatever... it's been done before, and overdone before... whatever, this movie just didn't need it...
Anyway, that's my $.02, and I welcome all questions and comments...
Carl Genius
Carl you need to check out the other ending. The ending I watched was much better. Good blog though man.