I'm sitting here watching "Live Free or Die Hard" and thinking to myself how badass Bruce Willis is. I don't always like his acting and he isn't even particularly great in this movie. But damn he's kicking some serious ass at the age of, almost, 55. He'll be 55 in a couple days according to IMDb.

He's been in some great movies over the years. The Die Hard movies, Pulp Fiction (faggedabahdit), The Sixth Sense, Sin City, The Fifth Element, Hudson Hawk. Hahaha. Just kidding about the last one but I'm just making sure you're paying attention. He'll be remembered when he's dead and gone. But it's not even the roles he's had, though some of them are great, that I'll only remember. I mean look at the guy. He's 55 and in great shape. He'd beat the shit out of pretty much everyone I know, minus Jared and Carl. He did land Demi Moore for a while and when she left him and started Cougaring out (Yes that's a real verb in my world), he wasn't a douche. Well that we know of. He was like, "Sure I'm secure enough in my own skin to go out with my family, my ex-wife and her boyfriend that's almost half my age." He seems to be one of the few stand up guys left in show business and when you listen to filmmakers talk about working with him them say he's the ideal actor. Great to work with. Not a conceited douche. He's one of the few actors I'll watching and think to myself, "I bet he's cool shit to hang out with and pound a couple beers."

So I guess we all could learn a thing or two from Bruce Willis. If I look that good at 55 and am still rocking whatever I do for a living and still am man enough to be with my family like he does, I'll be doing alright.
Plus he has one of the sweetest lines in movie history. "Yippee-ki-yay, Motherfucker!"
bruce willis sucks