We started off a bit late but got back on track. My buddy James picked me up and we trained in the city then met up with Derrick and Bobby.

Our next stop was an unplanned, hole in the wall bar. Bobby insisted on buying my cousin Patric a beer in honor of my virgin visit to NYC. So in we went. Beer was drank and laughs were had. James and Bobby hit on the bartender. The usual Saturday afternoon fare. We said our goodbyes to Patric and I decided we didn't have time to hit up the museum because I insisted we go to our next "event". Wow what an amazing call that was.

Now I have to say I'm a bit of a control freak. Those that know me are laughing. It's this trait I have that will not EVER, I repeat, EVER let me drink to excess. I can't explain how pissed and annoyed I'd be if I weren't in control of myself...at least mostly. Now I'm no fun sponge. I LOVE beer. It's great. But I don't drink to excess. Just doesn't happen. Anyway I digress.

So they all drank for a while there, while I took some pictures, watched everyone's belongings and laughed my ass off. Our next and final stop was going to be dinner at Marlow and Sons. Courtney and Robert decided to join us which was perfect. So off we went, trudging through the streets of NYC, freezing our asses off but enjoying every single minute of it. Me in the lead, tracking our progress on my iPhone's GPS. (Handy I have to say), the pseudo-drunk in the middle keeping up and Bobby staggering WAY behind, fiddling with his cellphone and occasionally catching up with me to point out famous film landmarks along the way. Which was AWESOME!
After who knows how long we finally made it to Marlow and Sons and waited at the bar for a table. More drinks were purchased, the drunk got drunker, the laughs got more frequent and an immense number of toasts were had to my virgin conquest into the city and to our new friends Courtney and Robert. Now I have to lay a little groundwork here. Marlow and Sons is a VERY nice restaurant that James wanted to see because Anthony Bourdain frequented the place on his show. So here we were, standing in the way at the bar, loud, obnoxious but loving life. I was CERTAIN we were going to get kicked out, but we didn't. So we got our table, sat down, James drooled at the menu and prepared to order for us when....
I knocked over a friggin' bottle, which set off a Moustrap-like chain reaction spilling a candle on the floor and breaking a glass. To my defense it was really dark, as you can see --->. After the waitress very politely cleaned up without any negative reaction toward us, James ordered and thanked her. At which point I said, "The scary thing is I'm the sober one here." She laughed, took our order and we waited. More toasts were had, some with Bobby and some without. (He was only semi-conscious at this point. See at right ----->) Then we got our food. Delicious cheese and French bread and Brick Chicken and Potato Tortilla and Spinach Salad and Pasta. It was absolutely AMAZING!

After exchanging info with our new friends, we hugged our goodbyes and set off for home. Derrick, James and I hit the subway where we met a hell of a musician who rocked the shit out of Psycho Killer, hopped on the train and headed out of the city. Everyone got somewhere safe. James and I at home. Derrick...well, he made it home eventually and let's just say Bobby enjoyed his night.
So after an amazing day with amazing friends, meeting amazing new people, I realized how truly lucky I am. I'm alive, healthy and spent a day in the greatest city in the world. I felt like a 20 year old kid again. Everyone was safe. I can't thank these guys enough. Yesterday brought back a lot of memories from Maine. All the parties and hugs and fires. All the good times I've had over the years. I was happier than usual to be alive, which is saying something. I'm very much a laid-back optimist.
So to all friends, past, present and future...Here's to you! Drink up everyone and enjoy life. You've only got one to live so live it.
Sounds like fun... perhaps only the first of many more trips into the city for you... enjoy!
ReplyDeleteoo yeah well put buddy. i cant wait to do it again.